About the Artist

Robert T Davis, “Bob”, is an all-around artist and polymath. After completing a degree in Fine Art at University of New Mexico, he worked as a theater technician. Now he builds large kinetic metal sculptures, often incorporating into them old classic trucks that he rescues from car gardens and junkyards.
Bob is an innovator, welder, sculptor, print maker, painter, tin worker, and cabinet grade carpenter. He is a long-term breeder of Navajo-Churro sheep, shears the wool from his flock, spins it into yarn, and hand weaves it into Rio Grande blankets. He invented a felting machine known as “Thumper” for the Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center.
Bob is also, but not limited to, a Burro-packing wilderness aficionado, fisherman, lifelong skier, volunteer firefighter, and father. He repairs and drives old 4×4 vehicles and tractors, bakes bread, makes flan, tortillas, and green and red chile enchiladas from scratch, and dances the Taos 2-step.
He has a perfect sense of direction (up AND down).
You can message him at via Facebook Messenger, or send email to rtdavisartist at gmail.

Clarity Kijs, a multi-skilled and adventurous individual in her own right, joined Bob on the farm in 2017. She has designed and manufactures CamaGato, handmade cat beds of Navajo-Churro wool. She participates in all levels of the business and is also known as Chief Fantastic Officer, Quartermaster, Muleskinner, dance partner and volunteer firefighter.
Check out the RTDavis YouTube Channel where Clarity has uploaded videos of our antics.